5 surprising foods that fight tummy fat

These days, waist trainers are the in thing, but they are not exactly good for the body in the long run as they tend to do damage to the internal organs.
The below foods are the right, healthy way to fight belly fat instead, they are also great at targeting your midsection without leaving you hungry, tired or squeezed in the middle.

PEARS- The best way to battle belly fat with food is to fill your diet with healthy choices that fight the storage of new belly fat like pears. They’re loaded with catechins: an antioxidant that keeps you from putting on the pounds in places where you’re working to get them off.
GREEN TEA- Green tea is delicious, full of belly fat-fighting catechins and one of the healthiest beverages you can drink all day.
bS- Try walnuts if you need something more substantial as a snack. They’re high in the omega-3 fatty acids that fight cortisol, lower blood sugar and keep you from storing fat.
COCONUT OIL- Virgin coconut oil isn’t just good for your hair. It can fight belly fat too. Swap your favorite cooking oil with coconut oil and you’ll add flavor and belly-blasting power to every meal.
RED WINE- There seems to be an endless amount of good reasons to drink red wine and fighting belly fat is one of them. Red wine is high in resveratrol, which reduces high estrogen levels that can lead to belly fat storage, and because it’s stress relieving you can fight two fat sources with one glass.
Take the above foods and watch your belly fat melt away.


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