Hillarous : Man strips completely naked at airport. [See Photo]

Air travel can bring out the worst in all of us — and in this case, "worst" means "naked."
On Wednesday morning, an unidentified man at North Carolina's Charlotte Douglas International Airport allegedly became so irate within the terminal.
Onlookers were understandably perplexed by the man's behavior.

"I was not expecting to see nothing like that," witness Sherry Ketchie told a local television station. "I've never seen nothing like that at Charlotte Douglas airport. Never ... And that's when I got out my phone and started taking pictures."
As Ketchie narrated, "I saw it all. He left nothing for my imagination."
Ketchie managed to snag some snapshots of the nude passenger before security and police escorted him away for medical treatment, as he was reportedly not intoxicated . The man will not face any charges.


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